Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Enter Something!

We know that you are talented, so why not put those talents to use and enter a contest!  Lots of organizations have contests just for teens who are good at all kinds of things from the visual arts, to creative writing, to cooking, to science.  Winning could mean great prizes as well as opportunities to get great exposure for your work and put something impressive on your college application--plus, if you are doing what you love to do, it'll be fun, right?  Some contests are local and only Dallas teens can compete, but there are national contests too.  Can you win?  You never know until you try!

Local Contests:

Best Teen Chef Competition:
The Art Institute's Best Teen Chef Competition is an opportunity for high school seniors interested in pursuing a culinary career to experience the excitement and discipline of the industry creativity.  Winning entrants will participate in a Local Cook-Off Competition at each participating Art Institute judged by professional chefs and Art Institute culinary faculty. Each participating Art Institute will award the title of the school’s Best Teen Chef, who will earn a $4,000 tuition scholarship toward a culinary program at that school. Second place finishers at each school will earn a $1,000 tuition scholarship toward a culinary degree at that school.  The deadline for initial entry forms is February 3, 2012.  Click here for more information.

DWU Visual Arts Contest:
City of Dallas Water Utilities is encouraging all high school students living in the City of Dallas to enter its first Visual Arts Contest.  The theme for this year is "Conserve Together-Water Forever".  The grand prize winner will receive an iPad2 and the four honorable mention winners will each receive an iPod nano.  There will be a reception for winners and their families at City Hall.  The deadline to enter is March 2, 2012.  Click here for more information.

Express Yourself!  Youth Poetry Competition:
The Dallas Public Library hosts a poetry contest every year for Dallas kids and teens.  Sixty poets will be chosen to have their work published in a book and will be honored in a special ceremony with a medal and a copy of the book in the Spring.  There is also a contest for designing the cover of the book.  The deadline to enter is January 21, 2012.  Click here for more information. 

Texas Young Composers Project:
The Dallas Symphony Orchestra and Voices of Change are holding a contest this Spring for teen composers.  Teens must write a piece of music for any combination of piano, violin, clarinet, flute, or cello.  There are cash prizes for first and second places, and the winning pieces will actually be performed live at a concert at SMU.  The deadline to enter is March 1, 2012.  Click here for more information. 

Dallas Hispanic Heritage Drawing Contest:
What do you know about the Hispanic heritage? Love art? Here's your chance to show your ability! Create a scene illustrating your thoughts and feelings regarding the Hispanic heritage, the music, the food, the history.
Winning entries, runners-up and honorable mentions will be on display at Dallas Public Library, 1515 Young Street, October 2012 - November 2012.  The deadline to enter is May 31, 2012.  For more information, call 214-670-1671.

Junior Historian Writing Contest:
The Texas State Historical Association sponsors several different history essay contests.  You could research a new paper, or even submit one that you have already had to write for school.  How easy is that?  Most of the categories are Texas History specific.  The deadline to enter all of these contests is March 1, 2012.  Click here for more information.   

National Contests:

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